Freakville's Weblog

An insight in to my LIFE

chn callin again? May 17, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — freakville @ 1:49 am

today i got the call from chn proj…suri was totally impressed by my ans 😀 he even asked me which coll i was from ! f*** y do u want all those details?
anyway tht proj is yet to be confirmed for our like itz gonna be
long wait again.sridvi called and told tht shez gonna start to chn and join the
new proj.



Filed under: Movies — freakville @ 1:48 am
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today i watched was damn cheap and vulgar stuff.i did not like it a
bit.a very modern,urban cosmopolitan version of the dev and paro evergreen luv story or wht should i call it? i thought lenni as chanda and her story were a bit emotional and of it was just crap.i was not able to sit thru the movie! thank god i did not make a mistake of my life by gng to the theater for such cheap stuff.and the songs and taking were pathetic.especially, the tauba tera dash tauba something, yeh emotional athyachar? wherez the athyachar damn? only sheer tourture for the audience 😦 abhay deol’s performance was also lacklusture.y did he choose such a script??
verdict: u can happily miss this one..don’t care abt the critics acclaim and