Freakville's Weblog

An insight in to my LIFE

my boss taught me… July 11, 2009

My most influential boss taught me the importance of striking a fine balance in everything that I did and emphasized the need to continuously look for better solutions to achieve excellence.He was flexible and a good listener who cared to understand the viewpoint of the other person and contributed effectively towards finding a solution to every problem.He taught me one important lesson: it is not enough to have the required knowledge or correct point of view on a given subject; it is equally important to present the same in a convincing manner.He also taught me that our greatest
weakness lies in giving up and the most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.He was great leader and motivated my team to meet the most aggressive deadlines. He was an excellent orator and used to tackle the clients, peers, supervisors and juniors with equal elan. Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of all success. If you choose to loose touch with your inner enthusiasm, you are choosing mediocrity. That doesn’t have to happen; each of us is capable of making his/her job “the best job”.


your boss , you and the 2009 target! April 21, 2009

Filed under: jokes,Oraganization Dynamics — freakville @ 1:58 pm
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