Freakville's Weblog

An insight in to my LIFE

joining date and last week things November 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — freakville @ 6:55 pm

I cant believe I havet been blogging all the good times !! since oct 29 f***

ok so here it goes..i got my joining date and it nov 15 …yayyy and as abbulu described it am njoying and celebrating each and every moment slowly and steadily 😀 🙂

last week bachinna wasnt here..i went to AA for my medical..did an adventure and came back in cityshuttle for half the price of a cab. before tht i went walking all the way in the wind chill to kinko to get prints and a lady cabbie offered me a free ride back home 🙂

after i finished my medical..i told everyone on diwali in india time..MIL, FIL, SIL were happy except for SIL s hubby..who is rotlu ..asked me all the questions as if i was a crime suspect in a police interrogation…thn one big drama happened tht nite..bachinna scolded me for tellnig everyone all the details such as free flites , salary etc..then i cried cried and cried and faught and got tired and slept…

the next day friday..i went with chintu to celebrate diwali at vadinas place..i played a lot with trish and we did rangoli together..i told everyone the good news at dinner..actually called and told vadina afternoon to make her feel spl..thn navin bavagru was genuinely happy tht ab and me would stay here in dls..and not go elsewhere like sfo 🙂 truly i realized tht a miracle happened whn i got to know tht chintu was stugling to convert into getting a fultime, in dls, in DS, in AA is just not a joke !! Thank you GOD ! you are the best 🙂 you are awesome wonderful 🙂

Then we came home..had a nice weekend..curd rice gang did not meet on the weekend..we shopped ikea on sat..stood in long lines for a table..thn completed all the pending in stnbrir the file organizer and bachinna was jumping with joy ..pagal 🙂 after tht we cooked at home..thn later on sunday we went on time for aarti ..bachinna also sang 🙂 we picked pu the powertool and i practised driving on the richdsn roads..yayy..we came back..bochi fixed the table and jumped with joy..i feel so happy when i see the sparkle in his eyes..i feel happy tht he finds joy in doing small small little things in life..his jumpy joy and satisfaction after fixing the coffee table, the canvas on wall , the file organizer labels etc hes just one crazy innocent adorable f**** husband lol 🙂

tht day my mommy spoke to bocthi and felt happy..thn we had to let the cat out of the bag as moiz spilled the beans..grrr :X i e-mailed everyone..a few crying a few happy but everyone wanted a party..varn wud be totally unhappy ..i know..kum ‘s cleint is AA no wonder he flys first cls 🙂 so BG and yogi n all know abt tickets etc..on the same day it was my dolling hubbys idea to surprise we went to her place with a cake..thn before tht i shopped like crazy at JCP..i dont literally know whtz wrong with me !! duh!! i went crazy with the coupon..and i felt really bad, devastated and broke after the experience as to y i was wasting all my money 😦 planning to return at least half of them..

tue: did nothing chillaxed at home

wed: partu surprise bday home..started learning parallel parking ..drove back home from richdsn

thus: kolhs

frid: just cant wait for the weekend..UG gang g2gther at orlando..cant believe the plan is in execution ..i am sooo excited and confused abt clothes..excited abt meeting all other buddies..abt doing the univsal thingie..finally early too 😀  so am all excited ..mommy felt happy tht P came well in advance 😉 and yes, spam the FB with all the pics 😛

after the weekend..its

monday..gonna be my first day at work..i am going to work..i just cant believe tht day has finally arrived..i became BIG responsible woman gng for work to earn daily bread 😀 well all the excitment is causing me sleepless nites now 🙂

my bachinna’s patience did pay off..u will get the big job ra one me..big school ppl will take u 🙂 thanks bachinna for having the confidence which i did not have in myself in the first place..thank you GOD for the miracle..i know its just your divine intervention 🙂