Freakville's Weblog

An insight in to my LIFE

new year January 1, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — freakville @ 8:50 am

so many people may have ringed in the new year in so many different ways..on top of eiffel tower like raj or in their new home gambling all night like chandu..but I brought it in differently..with a lot of jealousy and tinge of depression and sadness all this bcoz joe cleared rfe secured job here with technically more experience than i do and will be earning more salary than i do..bachinna doesn’t want to talk, mommy asks me to do the same thing, dad is on a different frequency deaf to all this and only bothered abt nobel prize. bachinna wants me to focus on myself and not on its joe prev it was nog and before that it was somebody for my insecurity..he is so right…but what is my goal..i gave my dil and jaan to get a raise to match up to wnstn but what is my fault in chapter 11?  now i literally can never..i mean ever..then maternity leave wil lcome in place and then some time off and then another m leave and he gets so ahead in the race and i still stay where i started – ground 0 – praying for my job security

so what are my goals really?

get out of coding – 4ps – collect reqmts like fats

give my best inspite of no hope for any raise – just be indifferent

wait for gc, kids, home, trips

become more healthy – strong mlly – phylly – stop crying on other’s success smart (nag) or cheat (joe)

A long weight year – wait year